1880 Right to Protect Morocco
1906 Act of Algiers
1912 Fez Treaty
1952 ICJ case
1880 Right to Protect Morocco
1906 Act of Algiers
1912 Fez Treaty
1952 ICJ case
1778 Peace Treaty
1787/1836 Peace Treaty
1795 Treaty of Tripoli
1856 General Treaty
1926 ICJ case
1778 Peace Treaty
1787/1836 Peace Treaty
1795 Treaty of Tripoli
1856 General Treaty
1926 ICJ case
1763 Treaty of Paris
1783 Treaty
1795 Jay Treaty
1814 Ghent Treaty
1763 Treaty of Paris
1783 Treaty
1795 Jay Treaty
1814 Ghent Treaty
1492 Inter Caetera
1493 Treaty of Tordesillas
1648 Treaty of Westphilia
1744 Lancaster Treaty
1492 Inter Caetera
1493 Treaty of Tordesillas
1648 Treaty of Westphilia
1744 Lancaster Treaty
Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) constitution
united States constitution
Refugee Act
Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) constitution
united States constitution
Refugee Act